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New album: Unreal Seas
59 minutes of pure progressive rock/metal... more_vert
Unreal Seas (2017) close

59 minutes of pure progressive rock/metal:

  1. Melt Into Dawn
  2. This Between
  3. The Shadows in Me
  4. Thin Roads to Nowhere
  5. Find a Way
  6. The Letter
  7. My Hope
  8. Last Words

Digital versions (MP3, FLAC, etc.) available on Bandcamp, iTunes, Amazon MP3 and more.

To get the digipak CD, all you have to do is to send us an email to (8 €)

Pavilon666 star 8.5/10 star

An enjoyable album to listen to, relaxing
Progressive fans will find their groove!

Metal Intégral star 18/20 star

Extremely harmonic, beautifully inspired and moving great

Rehearsal view

Bass close up view
About (FRANCE) Burgundy / Franche-Comté / Rhône-Alpes

Born in the east of France in 2002, Psychanoïa are 4 musicians fascinated by progressive metal/rock.
Now, in March 2017, their 3rd album called “Unreal seas” is finally out.
Unreal Seas album 3

Unreal Seas (2017)

Nemesis second album 2

Nemesis (2008)

Psychanoïa album 1

Psychanoïa (2004)

Social networks To follow all Psychanoïa news, visit the Facebook page.
Foreign Foreign is a rock/metal opera from another time, a true journey across time and space. Discover this musical world in which all the Psychanoïa members actively participated! First album is available - second one in the making.